We invest in Dreams

X% technical costs by us

equity in exchange by you

Our Scope

We do what we are good at.
That is why we are good at what we do.

We Do

We Don't Do

How to pitch your idea to us?

Every idea deserves an opportunity
Write it down and we will make it come true together


Submit your business idea and plan with a thorough marketing strategy, competitor analysis, and revenue forecast.


Our business development team will review and evaluate your application and discuss with experts in the field to rate your application based on our selection criteria.


After evaluating your submission, our managerial team will get back to you with a decision.

You should hear from us within 15 working days after complete submission.


In case we agree to make your idea a reality, you will be invited to pitch your business model to the managerial team. Please prepare properly before the pitch session.


We will sign a strategic cooperation agreement with attractive conditions for both of you and us to facilitate the realization of your business idea with our investment and support.

what will happen next?

We accompany you from the very first stages of your start-up
Until sun rises from the west


We will have several technical meetings to properly plan for development and release. Having a clear timeline and a list of potential challenges is our main goal at this stage.


A product manager will form a developer team for your startup. You will be invited to our weekly meetings and agile boards to make sure everything goes as you expect.


We love celebrating our achievements.

But after the release, a new story begins.

We’ll stand by you to continuously grow your product and ensure its uninterrupted performance.